Monday, January 13, 2014

Day 17,

Today I fixed a huge bug I managed to miss last night. The bug caused all kinds of strange collision behavoirs when more balls were added to the game. With one ball everything worked fine. With two balls everything moved sligtly faster. The player pad started vibrating when touching the wall and the balls increased in speed in a strange way. With three balls in play everything went haywire. Bolls bouncing all over the screen they even bounced outside the game area. The player could move outside the border as well. luckily i could find the bug pretty fast and fix it...phew!

Then I went on to merge the SoundManager with the MusicManager that Stefan had made into an AudioManager when I learnt in class that they can be combined. It makes it easier to keep track of.

I then added a small config.txt file where the screen resolution is loaded from when the engine Initialize() is run.

I also moved some code from the GameState to the CollisionManager where I feel it belongs better. I added a function that is called in Gamestate that check all Collisions "CheckAllCollisions()"

Oh I almost forgot, I added Highscore into the game that is saved in a textfile. A check if you have beaten the highscore is done when you win or lose. If you have its then saved to a textdocument and loaded next time you play.

I also think I will skip adding an option state because time is running up. Only one week until the game and report have to be finished. I got about 4-5 days of programming left and I want to focus on features that give me a higher grade. Features like adding a GUI, particle/visual effects and maybe some more forms of collisions. and then we also need to clean up the code and remove unused code or "left overs" that might be hanging around. And we need to polish what we got.

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