In this project I'm working in a group with 3 graphic students and 3 programmers.
For graphic we have Adam, Mikaela and Frida and for programmers we have me->Georgios, David, Oscar and Viktor.
(I will try to link them to their blogs at a later time)
In this project we have to make everything!....from the design document working with SCRUM and making the actual game. The game is based on a concept document made by another group from our first design course last autumn.
For graphic we have Adam, Mikaela and Frida and for programmers we have me->Georgios, David, Oscar and Viktor.
(I will try to link them to their blogs at a later time)
In this project we have to make everything!....from the design document working with SCRUM and making the actual game. The game is based on a concept document made by another group from our first design course last autumn.
We had our first sprint planning today with our Scrum master Emma Matson (third year student) and with me as a producer. The producer role will change every week so all group members get to see how it feels.
If you aren't familiar with Scrum see the wikipedia link above.
Me and the other programmers will work together in this project using Git and Github to sync our code with eachothers. We will be coding in C++ and we will be using SFML graphic library instead of SDL that we used last course. I guess our teacher want to mess with our heads.
So there are alot of new things to learn and do.
Scrum hand in: 31st Jan
Design Doc hand in: 14th Feb
Alpha: 21st Feb
Feature Freeze: 24th Feb
Write a Postmortem: 3rd Mars
Beta: 14th Mars
Game Finish: 28th Mars
The design of the game is and will be change all through this project but the main concept so far is that you are an Anglerfish that has lost her angler. You start out in shallow waters. You eat fish to survive. In game you find a fishin rod with a lightbulb attached to eat. with this you lure other fish closer. big and small so you have to lure small fish to eat and stay away from the big. The goal of the game is to survive and become the biggest fish in the sea. As the game progress you will transform from a cute fish to an ugly more scary fish.
I have bumped into some problems. When people are coding on so many different things at the same time its hard to know how my part will fit in.
After the sprint planning it was decided that I will start work on the DrawManager and GameObjectManager of the game.
The DrawManager is there to draw all the sprites to the screen. Only problem is that we have to make our own sprite class and I need to know the name of the class to finish my work.
When it comes to the GameObjectManager its much more difficult. This thing handle and update all game objects in game and I don't know what all object are. I have added some <vectors> that holds each type of object that is planned to be in. I'm not sure how to build the funtions in this class because well the design is not all ready so I will have to leave alot of functions blank so we can fill them in at a later time.
So this class will keep growing and be modified with.
So there are alot of guesswork going on right now. Im solving parts of this by looking back at my previous project and building in the same order where I can. Other things I build how I think it will work and some things I leave blank.
So now Im building attach functions that take object parameter that then is saved in a vector with push_back()-funtion for that type of object. I can also make a cleanup function to delete all the pointers to the objects. I will try to build update functions for each object type as well but Im not sure that can be done at this stage.
Time spent for the basic DrawManager was about 30 minute to one hour and around 3 hours for the GameObjectManager. 1 hour was also spent on learning and understanding Git and fixing with commits/conflicts and solving them.
As a Producer I also noted that no one in the group has tested/verified another groupmembers work as agreed upon even though I told everyone to do so this afternoon. Even I haven't tested Viktors code that I was supposed to test because he haven't updated his status in the task tracker (Scrum) yet so I'm not sure if he is done.