Thursday, February 20, 2014

Project Aurora, post 5, (Blog Assignment 2)

This is my second blog post as part of the blog assignment we have in our class.
Today I will go deeper into animations. Earlier we had it so animations could be loaded and played but only one type of animation and animations couldn't be switched.

The player animations is loaded from a .png file then a sprite/picture is cut out using a rectangle in this case sf::intrect. This rectangle is then stored in a vector. So then I had a vector with a number of frames that could be played up with a set duration. So next I had to think of a way of storing multiple animations.
First I thought I would store one animation in a seperate sprite that then is loaded on to a gameobject but that would mean that a gameobject needs multiple sprites and that felt like it would take more resources and could possibly lead to memory leaks if adding/removing sprites isn't handled correctly.

Then I thought, since I already load in a big spritesheet I just re-use that by cutting rectangles out of it. But then I needed a way to keep track of all rectangles positions. So one vector would represent one type of animation. like moving. eating. attacking, etc. and the vector needed to be connected to the frame duration and I also need a tag to know what kind of animation it holds so my choice for storing all this  fell on using std::map< >

I first added so a struct called Anim (top of the picture) is made within the animated class and it holds a float duration and a std::vector <> I then store that anim struct in a map < > together with a string to know what vector/animation it is.(se bottom of picture to the right)

This way I just store a bunch of rects and one float value for duration and I can access it all using a string.

With this in place I had to re-write the code a bit so it fit with what we had. It's still work in progress for when it comes to optimization. Here is a part of the .cpp file. I'm using an iterator to find the animation type I want to update with help of a string that starts at "Idle" as default but that can be updated using the SetActiveAnimation()-method.

Performance is not a big problem here but I think it might become a problem if the number of animations increase in numbers because it checks through the map with every update looking for the right type instead of just updating the current animation without having to look for it first. So we might change it later but it works for now.

I also changed the way the rectangle sizes are read from a text-file. Instead of having to read multiple text files for every type of player animation i have one text file for all player animations like picture to the left.
Numbers and animations are not 100% correct in the screenshot but its just there to show the build up of the txt-file. So I had to do some changes in the spritemanager as well on how all this is read in.

So now we have a good and dynamic way to load future animations into the game and I'm quite happy with the result.

And as always I end the post with the latest screen of the game.
(doors == enemies)


  1. Hello Georgios in this post you write primarily about animations and how you dealt with it when implementing it in your coding process. You write that animations are “loaded from a .png file” and that “the sprite is cut out using a rectangle in this case sf::interect”. It is clear that you write what you’ve done and also how you did it but unfortunately fail to answer the question “why” (to an extent). Why did you use a .png file and why did you cut out the sprite using just a rectangle? It would be better if you’d explain shortly what a .png file is according to your definition and what “sf::interect” means etc. So remember, next time you write a blog post try to define certain phrases that can be unfamiliar even if intended towards coders, but also explain as to why you choose to do things certain ways. This is because it will be easier to understand your work so that an eventual misinterpretation won’t occur.

    Nevertheless, I like how you mention the performance when including an animation and how adding more can cause problems but that it works for now. I think this is a great way to quickly see if an animation works or not. And what I liked extra is the text file part. This is an excellent sample of how a blog post should be written: You answer the questions “what/how/when”, provide with a picture to further explain what you intend and make comments about it. Try to think about this when making future blog posts, but overall I think you described your last week’s work very well. Good work!

  2. Hi Georgious.

    You explain your code very well, and I understand what you've done.
    What would have been nice to hear is more about why you chose to do it in a certain way, and why that way suited your task more than the other options.

    I assume you chose to read information from a .txt file because it's easier to change any values if needed.
    It's also good because the graphical artist can make changes in the document as well.
    This is what I assume though, so it would have been nice to hear more about your own reasoning in your future posts.

  3. Hi Emma, I have written some blogpost after this comment and I guess I haven't been so good with the "why" when I write or do something. But it's something I will keep in mind for my next blogpost.
